Clade Song 6
Clade Song 6 Left

Clade Song 6



Child, pulled from the lap
       of divided paths under
       the strength of scarred arms.                    

Warm with stone roots, waiting
       to mix the brew of rain
       and grass and crossroads
       under your boots.

You wile under branches that
       are heavy with green
       and obscure growth.
This calico angel, a farm girl,
       waits in a church of milk cans,
       a silver circle, for
       the diesel song of the lorry.

You stay cool in the shade, a virgin.




Clade Song 6 Right
Philibert Leslie Philibert is a London-born poet now resident in Bavaria. After studying English Literature in Ireland he moved to Germany where he now works as a social worker. He has published poetry in magazines and has translated plays from German into English for South German theatre groups.