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Clade Song 13


The Plan

Somewhere along Main, Carl swears he saw this gorilla get into a Chevy Chevelle, start it up and drive off. I cast doubt but Carl swears again, he swears a lot, it was a gorilla, or maybe it was a chinchilla   and   just   in   time   because   the   meter   maid   was ticketing   one   car   behind   and   the Chevelle's time had expired so whatever animal this was, was doing a favor for somebody and then is when I remembered I own a Chevelle, a yellow one, was it yellow, I ask Carl and he nods up and down so there you have it, some gorilla stole my car so I flag down a beat cop and after my brief rant, I get pulled in for ranting without a permit but Carl rescues me, pays my fine. His wife Camilla was accompanying him and confesses it was she in her big fur hat and coat who took my Chevelle to run an errand as her old little jalopy was in the shop and me, hmm, I'd forgotten this was the plan all along.


A Pushcart Prize, Sonder Press Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction and Best of the Net nominee, Charles Springer is widely published in print and online. He has authored Juice (Regal House Publishing, 2018) and a collection of prose poems, Nowhere Now Here (Radial Books, 2021). A new collection of prose poems, Window Over the Sink (Fernwood Press) is slated for 2023.